Our mission is to raise money for RUN, a Hong Kong charity working on rehabilitating refugees through sports, education and beyond.
  • $2,560


  • $20,000


  • 6


  • 9652

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

  • Shiva Rich

    $500.00 / 1044 days ago

    Great cause and I hope you enjoy the experience!!

  • Giselle Bates

    $206.00 / 1045 days ago

    Refugees and asylum seekers are amongst the most underprivileged groups in Hong Kong. Please consider donating to this worthy cause.

  • Ben Yung

    $206.00 / 1045 days ago

    Well done Chloe! And go team Kapow!! 💪🏼

  • Shiva Rich

    $103.00 / 1046 days ago

    Good luck Vida & Brendan!!

  • Eloise Baring

    $515.00 / 1046 days ago

    Good luck, Team!

  • Anonymous

    $515.00 / 1046 days ago

    All earthlings together.

  • Jacob Bradbury

    $515.00 / 1047 days ago

    Good luck Vida, Sarah and Brenni!

About Kapow

Fellow earthlings determined to physically work hard to bring awareness to the plight of refugees whilst raising money for RUN.

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