100k in Thailand for RUN

Angelika Hahn / Fundraise for RUN

RUN is such a great organization to help and support refugees in Hong Kong and to give them a new perspective in life!
  • $6,348


  • $30,000


  • 13


  • 0

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

  • Gottfried Hahn

    $450.00 / 589 days ago

  • Conny Mohr

    $350.00 / 592 days ago

  • Andreas Goerz

    $515.00 / 598 days ago

  • Joelle Kabbaj

    $1,000.00 / 598 days ago

    Go go go Angelika πŸ’ͺ🏻 Such a great challenge for your special birthday πŸ˜… Happy to support you as well as RUN πŸ˜‰

  • John Gist

    $515.00 / 658 days ago

    We’re thankful for the support from our community and are sending some your way to Run run run!

  • Thorsten Rauhut

    $515.00 / 663 days ago

    Dear Angelika, Happy birthday to you and all the best for your future. Stay strong and lots of energy for your 100k in Thailand.

  • Yoko Vukovich

    $515.00 / 663 days ago

    Yoko V

  • Caroline Bridle

    $515.00 / 668 days ago

    Wishing you all the best with this endeavour Angelica! I know you will smash it!

  • Jennifer Pollard

    $515.00 / 668 days ago

    Super great that Angelika is making her dream of running a 100K race come true and that she somehow takes RUN with her. AMAZING!!!

  • Gaelle Foulon Daffner

    $515.00 / 669 days ago

    Run is one of the most important NGO in HK, their work literally save lives. I am proud to support my super hero friend Angelika in her initiative to transcend her own limit and help Run. Go girl!!!!!!

  • Ting Gao

    $376.98 / 670 days ago

    Happy Birthday Angelika! Really look forward to flying to Chiang Mai together with you and witness your success of first 100K by UTMB. As an additional celebration after race, an authentic foot massage is on me! 😘😘

  • Anonymous

    $206.00 / 670 days ago

  • Karen Arndt

    $360.50 / 670 days ago

About 100k in Thailand for RUN

As a volunteer, I am hiking with the refugee ladies every Tuesday. I love to share my passion for nature trails with them, explore and enjoy the beauty of HK country parks, and challenge and support them on their way! When we are chatting and giggling on our hikes you could forget the hardship and trauma these women experienced in the past. I am grateful to see how hiking is making them healthier and stronger, physically and mentally, and how safe and happy they are in the RUN family! The Doi Inthanon Thailand by UTMB will be my first race abroad and my second 100k race overall! With this challenge I want to support RUN, so please make a donation today! πŸ™‚

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